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(2 edits)

playing rn and it’s fun and I love the vore scenes and the only thing is that there’s no give up button to die fast so you have to keep spinning the wheel just to lose and get eaten

I don’t know if this shows up later or something I’m not too far in the game

just use the death tarot to 'give up', i have a full tarot wheel (emperor op, 16 damage per hit is busted) so i can just... favor red when i want to get eaten by a specific opponent since death tarot instakills the user (it does have a 1% chance to instant-win any fight, ever.)

yeah I just found it

the music idle i can hear someone talking in the lines, mmmnhn curious, but what i want talk is Why the Grass Slug don't show up! i need kill them to get the gras i am traying to 2 hours and no one appers!!

hello, I've been playing the game for a bit and completed the first level. got to the second area of the silverswords location and for the life of me can't get the puzzle. I know I only have 7 turns to work with but the combination eludes me.

The silver sword enemies drop code pieces, after beating 3 of them you should have a completed code paper that'll show up to help you do the puzzle! I hope this helps pie 34 :)

thank you, I'll be sure to look for them!


Finally got around to playing the entire thing, this game is honestly incredible with how well the characterization is written, how stable and intuitive the gameplay is, and how fun and stylized the visuals are! Absolutely in love with the strategy and customization of the wheel mechanic, absolutely incredible and genius concept. And the vore scenes were pretty awesome too, didn't realize EVERY ENEMY has their own set of vore animations and rewards, which honestly blows me away considering how long that must've taken to create.
Absolutely phenomenal game, you and everyone who worked on it should feel proud of all the hard work you put in ^^

Also was not expecting to see my discord name in the credits lol 


Thanks so much for the lovely comment! Please spread the game around to everyone you think might be interested in playing it! And yes! Everyone that was a patreon or just reacted to the discord messege in my server got in the credits. It's so hard to get any sort of attention or recognition on the internet these days, so just simply being interested in my project goes such a long way, so thank you ObesusFoxxo :)

Will do, and it is incredibly difficult to stand out from the literal millions of other artists so I feel that. Quick question, what game engine did you make this game in? Thinking about getting into making fun, smaller projects if I can figure it out

RPG Maker MV! I'm willing to teach anyone willing to listen to use it and the plugins I use to make it 3D and such!

I might have to take you up on that sometime, I noticed you did a lot of cool things in your game! Though, I might mess around with it first when I have some free time.

there's a bug with the final boss were if you lose you have t0 restart the game I don't mean start all over I mean just restart and reload to your last save

Thanks for the report, if you could tell me a few more specifics that'd be nice! Do you mean the purple dragon or Badrem? What happens when it softlocks? A crash, do you get an error messege?

(1 edit)

the Purple Titan it tells me TypeError: mesh.dispose is not function at object.mv3d.clearmodelcache (mv3d.js:16677:10) object.clearmap (mv3d.js:432748:10) scene_map.onmaploaded (mv3d.js:429482:7) scene_map.maploaded (z_imagecache.js:93:43) scene_map.isready (rpg_scenes.js:561:14) scene_map.isready (mv3d.js:429540:28) function.scenemanager.updateScene (rpg_managers.js:2018:48) function.scenemanager.updateScene (Z_videosimple.js:21:47) function.scenemanager.updateMain [as updatemainfluidtimestep] (rpg_managers.js:1983:18) function.scenemanger.updateMain (YEP_FpsSynchOption.js:201:12) and then to hit F5 to restart

And with that, I have completed the game 100% I believe (Unless there is any post game content). Honestly, it's a great game and is overall fun. I do hope to see a possible continuation on Roulleta's adventures in the possible future, or even other RPG adventures like this with different mechanics. Till then, hope to see more from you. 

Thanks so much for playing and the encouraging comment Ghostie :)

(1 edit)

No problem. :>

Recently played Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door and an idea came to mind. This might be a concept for a sequel if one were to ever happen but what if Rouletta could level up and choose to either expand her HP pool or to make her roulette wheel bigger. A bigger health pool means you can take more hits but you loose access to more wedges while having more wedges opens more possibilities but makes it so you can eat less hits and could make rolling the wedge you want or need more challenging without equipping multiple of the same. On that note what if like Mario's badges in the Paper Mario games stronger wedges took up more slots meaning you have to manage your wedges instead of just slapping on the strongest ones as soon as you get them, especially if you've been neglecting to upgrade your roulette. Idk, just sharing an idea one of my new favorite games sparked within me.


Thanks so much for the cool ideas Roboticendermanx! I did toy around with the concept of larger HP pools. There was originally a collectable icon, like the wedges you find in game right now but for expanding your max health pool. But I didn't want those pickups to feel needed or like the players needed to get to them to win at the game. So they were left out

idk if you gonna read this or not but a funny little idea i had was, what if you added some customization to the game? like, being able to change the colors of what ever Rouletta wears or something? like from a red color, to like, green, or brown, or what ever

I was thinking of making her the Green Unit.

I thought about this, how customized would you want this system to be though? Would you want the changes on overworld only? Otherwise it'd mean making an extra version of every battle sprite rouletta has! That's over 100 pictures to redraw XD

it could work like, you make anything that would change to basically be transparent or something in a way, just, easily changeable if possible, then the colors would be something to put over, then bam, and if you make patterns, would look a little funny but it would work, and it would add some customizability to Rouletta, plus it would be funny and cool to have diffrent colors on her besides just red, it might take awhile, but it would work

but yea, custom colors might not work, but a selector of colors would, the player just does what ever to change their color, and from a few select colors, they can change the color, like for starters, you could easily just have the options be Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple, and as you make the game, you can add more and more colors

I like this game.
Funny and chilling.

Thank you!

Damnit it! I wish I still had my laptop. I sold it for a Ps5. Now all these cool indie games are coming out on PC. I'm starting to regret my purchase. I've played almost all your games. The retale series and the lil Mac vore game where you play as a smart mouthed kangaroo and the dlc sequel to it. I've been waiting so long for this game all to find out you releaseed it over 2 weeks  ago. I'm sure this game will be awesome when I eventually get my hands on it. 

Aww I'm sorry Furtis!

Really good game! had a lot of fun playing it up until the final boss where, upon defeat, crashed the game and deleted all 18 of my saves :/

Christ! It deleted all 18? Did you unzip the game first? Im not sure how that could happen!

I did. I kinda don't wanna go through all that again (plus the 500 health boss beforehand that took me 40 minutes to beat) any pointers

Me and my friend can't work out how it would of wiped all 18 of your save files. We were theorizing last night how it could have happened. A lot of strange things would have had to have happened all at once

I don't even know myself. This just sucks :<

I really like Saphire and Summoner Tigeress!

Could you please add some vore scenes about them?


U think u can add an option to be digested by npcs that U ask to eat u? Or maybe a digestion animation for when defeated in battle and devoured? Even if its just their belly slowly shrinking.


Hmm. It would be a lot of extra art for such a thing. There's about 42 different scenes in game which means a shrinking belly scene for all of them! I'll keep it pegged as something people want though :)

it's a pretty fun game.
would be interesting to see a dedicated place to discuss the game or other projects the dev might've made (other then itch comments)

Yeah! I have a discord server you can find through the socials link in the game :)

ahhhh, the links in the game not in the itch page
thanks for the clarification <3

So... Lil bit of a Bug but uh... After dying due to the Pirate Queen's  Special Attack, the screen goes and stays black. Like, I can't see anything anymore and navigating is impossible...

This is aware, I did try to fix this bug but people are still having issues. In the next patch I might just have to go ahead and delete the fade out and in transition.


So, I think I have a lacking trust when a game that features my fetish has a lot of story because of one big bad experience with this one game that was overly political and didn't even have likable characters. I was nervous about getting into this game and didn't know if I could really enjoy it. I think this game is amazing, and no, thank you! I enjoyed the philosophical concepts without being beaten over the head with a shovel to think what's right, I enjoyed... mostly... the gameplay and the Random Chance stuff. It also felt a bit like a deck builder, and I love the card system. I even actually started just hunting down chances to see what the characters would say rather than just farming down the vore scenes. Game Good 4.5


Aww thank you so much RagsTheRat! I did try and keep it mostly light on story and philosophy but with some depth there! I'm so glad you took the time to play it, I really treasure everyone that spends the time to play my stuff! Spent ages trying to make the battle system feel good!

Oh yeah, I liked the RNG system most of the time and how cards were handled. There are a few issues I do have to bring up about it, for instance, I had most of my support options on blue and attack options on red, and sometimes the RNG would land on the one attack or support option that I put on the other side 3times in a row, like the game recognized the one thing I didn't want it to land on, it made me a little sour, but 1/4 is still a 25% chance which is higher than you'd think. That's just a general feel of RNG though, it will always be a minor issue because Random Chance is random chance, however, the combo Items that specify which slot they go to may be an abusable problem, because I exploited the hell out of the 1 2 3 Chakrams, not just because they were an easy combo to 9 damage (18 with a boost if you're willing to fight with tedious methods as I am), but it's rather easy to combo into itself for permanent cards. I mean I enjoyed using them, and I'm not one to suggest it's a bad thing I can just use a card and immediately regain said card I used, but it can be a balance issue if someone were to grind a while and cheese a boss by power boosting a canon into a boss 4 times, like what I did, because I thought it was funny. Those were really just the problems I found with the system, but as a whole, it works rather well.

I like how the main character is actually chaotic but ordered in their nature, I don't know if that was on purpose or not, with the whole order and chaos stuff, but I found it interesting none the less, and if it weren't for my aversion to reading books, I'd probably read more in that spooky library, the lore is rather good, even if I missed some of it (I'm going to now question how I can read miles of dialog but not a book that does the same thing). I can probably talk a mile more on things I like, the respawn animations, the artwork in general, the easy to get into story, the characters, the final boss (No Spoilers), optional bosses, optional struggle wedges that can be better items than what's in shop, losing to enemies was fun for dialogue and artwork. It's a really good game and you should be proud.

(3 edits)

noticed a thing, not sure if it's a bug, feature or consequence of the way i have the wheel set up, but i've got nearly infinitely scaling damage while farming the same level over and over looking for honey. (the scale broke when encountering joy. other than that all i've done is spam enter the past 8-10 mins and now am reliably hitting for 400+ with a move that should do 3 and reroll the wheel) (addition: moving between levels, worlds, or even going in and out of conversations with npc's doesn't stop the scaling of damage either. only an encounter with that fox breaks this as encountering the bold that mugs you doesn't break the cycle no matter how you handle him)(second addition: going through a willing vore scene/replaying an old one you've seen doesn't reset the cycle either.)

and yes. i can take the buffed broke damage into a boss fight and one shot them using it. 75 hp boss? meet 2.2k potion bottle. 

This is known, theres a variable that doesn't get reset for some reason and will be in the next patch


After playing for about an hour... I can safely say "Contains themes of Fantasy, Romance, and Fetishes such as vore." means "Just vore"


The game is roughly 10-14 hours long with side content. I'm not sure how much that's a fair assumption.


I have cleared the customs, hope to update soon, hope to add a vore skill to the protagonist, I am already looking forward to the follow-up!

Thanks !

I enjoyed the game it was really fun to play. I have some questions. Is there something to do after u beat the main story and do all the side quests? Cause there is something bout a personal quarters and when talking to the npc he tells u that u still have a quest to do but I did all the side quests and the main story. And my other question is there a wedge for rouletta to eat her opponent or not?


No current end-game stuff in the game. There was a wedge planned to eat the enemy but if I added it into the game I wanted it to be polished anad have multiple graphics


I think such a wedge would be fun to see added

Found a bug - ducks on the pirate ship won't disappear for some reason, it took me 3 tries of the whole ship segment to finally get through them, maybe talking to npc or replaying mini-games causes this.

Thanks for the report, not sure why that was happening

Actually, I think I ran into that too. I played the Duck minigame once and even after it said I was clear, it didn't clear the Ducks, after playing a second time clearing every duck possible, I was then granted access. Hope this helps.

I know what you mean but I found out on my 3rd try that you're supposed to directly click on the ducks not move the cannon and try to align the shots.

hey, i think i found a bug, i died to blaze and somehow kept the temporal wedges from the battle on my bag

Noted thanks!

it seems like theres a softlock in the beer game if you try to replay it after beating it, is there a way to recover from this because if not I just lost 8 hours of gameplay x.x

Good news there was a way out of the softlock, Idk how but I managed to regain movement and realized I was still able to talk to some of the npcs so re-started the game which caused it to immediately fail letting me move

Glad it fixed itself! Someone else reported this but I've been struggling to replicate it

I faund a bug. When you use "death" wedge with fox, youfind yourself in infinite loop of loading animation.

Wil look into this thanks Sqare1!

Can saves from previous versions be transferred to the new versions or nah?

Yes, like any other file on your computer you can drag your save file from the save folder from the old project into the new one, I hope this helps!

cool, for some games it makes the game be like, glitchy or otherwise broken due to what is changed so I just wanted to check.

How Does Vore Work Out In This Game?

Hey Stephenduff, apologies but could you be more specific?

(2 edits)

A Absolutely lovely game! I really hope this gets updated often! having a blast so far! (found a bug: when I replayed a vore scene and tried to leave my character got stuck on the screen. Bug 2: i noticed that the temporary cards didn't vanish from my inventory after i was eaten, might test if it'll still be available in a different battle)

Thanks for the reports protoken! I'll look into the temporal cards one, but the new update V3 will fix that annoying vore replay bug!

Good to know! When it does come to steam, will there be any achievements? Also i love how you take you're time to respond to every comment and report. I can really see the love! <3

Yes I'd love to do achievements, if I can I'd love to do it all, stickers, trading cards, emotes steam backgrounds and such. But I need to look into how those work and if I need to charge for the game in order to have everything or if I can have it be free but having trading cards and such!

Hey, try adding "vore" without the quotation marks to the tags, and the people who would enjoy this would be more likely to find it.

I tried that when I first uploaded but it didn't seem like there was a vore tag

you can just make 'em

I got another more lore based question this time, when Rouletta is revived, does her body from whoever beat her stay as big as it was or when she is brought back, is that around the time she is digested and the size of the belly gets back to normal?


Never really thought about it!

What kinda animal is rouletta by the way? I can't tell if they're a bat, maybe some kinda reptile, or some other species.

Specifically a bi'in! Pronounced "Buy in"

oh that's clever. also after this post of mine was made I encountered the dialogue from the dastardly dog which kinda asked the same question as my comment so that was funny.

so what exactly are all the fetishes in this game? is it just vore or are there others? like transformation, is that in this game? i'd like it if it were...

Theres light transformation but not graphic transformation, theres feet but nothing too in depth

wdym by graphic transformation? like what does that mean exactly, do you mean gory or violent by that, or like do you mean its only in text, and no images do it?

It's only simple images of characters appearing different. Rouletta briefly changes into an object in a philisphical sense. She cartoonily wraps into rock paper scissor objects also as an attack for one of the wedges as an example. But its sudden, there's no build up between the two

Is this game compatable with joiplay?

I'm not 100% what joiplay is, so I can't give you a proper answer. Apologies RashDolphin, the best I can say is try it and come back to me with your findings and I can look into it if it doesnt run :)

No problem, Its a android RPGMaker player, and yes it does work.

Been playing through the game and have recently gotten to the Black Circle, have completed all of the side quests too leading up to this point, and I've gotta say, I'm really loving this game so far! The roulette mechanic is incredibly interesting and fresh, and for how simple it is, it does allow for so many fun and intriguing ways to take on foes. The enemy encounters are well thought-out too, and I can tell there's a lot of effort and care that was put into this. Love the vore scenes too, can't wait to keep playing this!

Thank you so much rocktowel11 !!!

found a bug as well the black circle clocktower has a wrong placement keeping you trapped in the top floor

A birb friend of mine recommended this to me and I am excited to give it a go!


I really like how the game turned out, the wheel mechanic is pretty interesting to experiment with! Does this game has some kind of theater to replay previous scenes like it was in retale 3? And is there a way to give up in battles?

Hey there Guard!

There is no gallery like Retale 3 as such, as I wanted to give the towns in each area more use/meaning. So every town will have replayable scenes there for you to view. 4 or more for each area usually. To give up in battles there is the death tarot card in the second area, but you also have Absinthe in the tavern in the first area too, hope this helps friend!


it'd be nice to have different wheel loadouts that I could swap between. otherwise novel and fun game


This was planned, and will probably be in an update as it's quite a big thing to put in code/UI wise. Thanks so much for playing tehwerr

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found a bug already (not intentionally but want to give heads up) moving to an exit will in the white form after getting revived will softlock and requires a closing of the game

Noted and found! Thank you!  Will put it on the list to do!

i didn't intend to find it. i was checking gameovers for the first few encounter. was in the middle of respawning and held down just for the next area to load with no player character... it was an accident

Yes, its hard to explain entirely why it happens. It's not a soft lock it's just not showing roulettas sprite, don't feel bad for finding bugs! It really helps me thanks! :)

cannot contain my excitement 

I'm glad!